Pinpoint accuracy makes the Xstrahl 100 the perfect choice for superficial treatments. The Xstrahl 100 is ideal for treating a wide range of superficial skin cancers, such as basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas, as well as benign dermatological conditions such as keloid scars.
• The range of movement in the Xstrahl 100 treatment arm enables smooth adjustment and easy fixed set up for each treatment field.
• Its flexibility makes it particularly suited for treating lesions that are difficult to access, such as the head and neck, without compromising on patient comfort.
• The unit’s small footprint enables installation in a compact space, and its mobility allows for better use of space within the treatment room.
• A low energy range and short exposure times means the treatment room requires far less shielding compared to a comparative high energy linear accelerator.
• Concerto software, Xstrahl’s clinical interface, provides an intuitive workflow for treatments and creates a unique and detailed clinical record for each patient, including treatment images.
• The physics interface, Fisica, allows for custom configuration based on individual requirements, in addition to allowing calibration and system maintenance.
• The advanced software provides a clinical and physics interface enabling the operator to accurately define patient demographics and treatment parameteres in addition to delivering controlled clinical radiation exposures.